Tag Archives: South Africa

Islamic State flag waving on the wind

US Treasury Department designates Islamic State facilitators across Africa

Yesterday, the US Treasury Department sanctioned three Islamic State facilitators based in Zambia, Uganda, and South Africa. The three have operated as part of a coordinated network that moves money between Islamic State franchises in Somalia, South Africa, Uganda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), and Mozambique.

African Union

Africa: AU Member States’ Reluctance to Transform State Broadcaster Undermines Good Governance


Samantha Lewthwaite ‘received British passport before going on run’

South Africa

Authorities raised South Africa’s terror alert level after learning that wanted British terrorist Samantha Lewthwaite had spied on embassies in Pretoria early this year. A convicted fraudster said he had helped process over 3 000 fake IDs and passports from al Qaeda-linked networks such as Shabaab and Soldiers of Islam, and that Lewthwaite’s fake documents […]

South Africa

Interrogations of the al Qaeda member planning the World Cup attacks revealed that the terror group planned to use cars bombs laced with rat poison, then gunmen would kill those aiding the wounded. It is reported that they planned to strike during the Denmark v. Netherlands match and use car bombs if they could not […]


Revealed: hand of Iran behind Britons’ Baghdad kidnapping