Tag Archives: Israel

Analysis: The grave consequences of the UN’s failure in Lebanon

In a significant escalation, Hezbollah pummeled northern Israel on Wednesday with more than 200 rockets in the terror group’s largest single-day attack since the start of the war in Gaza. If the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) does not execute its mandated mission by stopping Hezbollah attacks on Israel and ensuring the group withdraws north of the Litani River, the steadily intensifying violence on Israel’s northern border could become a full-scale war with massive loss of life.

IDF soldiers training in northern Israel

Hezbollah continues wave of rocket fire as IDF trains for a northern war

Hezbollah launched more than 100 rockets at Israel on June 13, a day after it launched more than 215 rockets. The continuing escalation, the largest in eight months of war, led to calls by Israeli mayors for Israel to decide about confronting the increasing threats. Iran’s acting foreign minister warned Israel against attacking Lebanon as IDF brigades train for a possible war in the north.

IDF troops

Israel faces major Hezbollah escalation as Rafah battle continues

Hezbollah launched more than 215 rockets at Israel from Lebanon on June 12, its largest escalation of the war. The attacks came in the wake of Israel eliminating senior Hezbollah commander Taleb Sami Abdullah on June 11. The terrorist group also targeted areas along the Sea of Galilee in some of the deepest attacks it’s carried out since October 2023. In Gaza, the IDF’s 98th Division completed operations in central Gaza, and the IDF continues to operate in Rafah.

The Islamic Resistance in Iraq increases its drone attacks on Israel

Over the past month, there has been an increase in attacks from Iraq against Israel by the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, consisting of multiple Iran-backed militias, amid claims of targeting significant Israeli locations and an escalation marked by advanced weaponry use, despite many claims lacking independent confirmation.

Analysis: The consequences of US weakness in Iraq and Syria

Tehran is threatening new attacks in the Middle East after the April 1 Israeli airstrike in Damascus that killed the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps commander responsible for smuggling weapons to Lebanon. Analysis of Iranian-backed attacks and U.S. responses in recent months makes clear that a U.S. failure to hit back hard will simply invite more Iranian attacks and risk more American casualties.

Generation Jihad Ep. 145 — Israel is winning, but it hasn’t won yet.

Bill and Joe discuss the latest updates from Israel’s defensive war in Gaza, including a potentially dwindling supply of ammunition for Hamas and its subsequent cooperation with other Palestinian terror groups; Egypt “fortifying” its border (but only above-ground and only because they want to keep Gazans out); whether Yahya Sinwar is still hiding out in a tunnel somewhere under Khan Younis (“with pneumonia”); the possibility and consequences of a ceasefire during Ramadan; and why Israel is indeed “winning” but will only win if it to continues its ground operation in Gaza, including in Rafah.

Breaking down Hezbollah’s rocket strategy: the Short-Range Threat 

“Hezbollah has spent nearly two decades amassing a massive arsenal of short-range projectiles. Israel’s defensive systems are insufficient to contend with this threat, and the mobility of this portion of Hezbollah’s arsenal will likewise render Israeli standoff firepower ineffective against it — leaving Israel with no option but to launch an overwhelming, massive, and immediate ground invasion”

Israeli Navy exercise occurs as Israel looks to threats in the north and Red Sea 

Israel’s navy conducted a drill aimed toward “readiness in the northern arena” as threats from Hezbollah continue. The navy practiced countering drone threats and refueling at sea. Israeli aircraft struck Hezbollah terrorist infrastructure in Lebanon and Israel’s Arrow air defense system intercepted a ballistic missile fired by the Houthis in Yemen on February 22.

Hezbollah increases attacks on northern Israel

Hezbollah carried out multiple rocket, drone and ATGM attacks on Israel between February 19 and 21. New reports revealed Hezbollah concerns about Hamas operations in Gaza as well as insights into Hezbollah’s decision to not launch a larger war in early October.

IDF shifts forces as rocket threat is reduced in Gaza

The Israel Defense Forces continue to redeploy reserve units from Gaza after months of war, with several reserve brigades having been withdrawn in the last two weeks. With fighting in Gaza reduced, these reservists are able to return home. In Gaza, the IDF has increased its ability to respond to rocket fire and eliminate perpetrators of rocket launches and other types of attacks.

Hezbollah rocket barrages target northern Israel 

Hezbollah launched two barrages of rockets at Israel on February 9. The head of Israel’s air force told an Israel Defense Forces conference that “Hezbollah will continue to pay with the loss of its systems. Dozens of aircraft are now operating in the skies of southern Lebanon.” Israel carried out retaliatory strikes against Hezbollah on February 9

Israel ‘peeling off layers’ of Hamas in Gaza

Israeli Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi visited northern Gaza to meet with key Israeli commanders and discuss Israel’s new raids into areas wherein the IDF defeated Hamas in November and December. Israel continues to find tunnels in Khan Younis and target Hamas members throughout Gaza.

Hezbollah rocket fire continues as US, French diplomats arrive in region

Hezbollah continued to fire rockets at Israel on February 4 and 5, as Israel’s Minister of Defense warned that Israel’s air force is “pointing” north and as the Israel Defense Forces released new data on strikes against Hezbollah. US envoy Amos Hochstein was in Israel at the same time France’s Foreign Minister visited Jerusalem.