2 Romanian soldiers killed in insider attack in Afghanistan
The attack, where Afghan forces turn on NATO personnel, is the first of its kind recorded in Afghanistan in more than a year.
The attack, where Afghan forces turn on NATO personnel, is the first of its kind recorded in Afghanistan in more than a year.
The attack in Jalalabad, which occurred at the government center, is the second insider or green-on-blue attack reported in Afghanistan this year.
Three ISAF soldiers were killed in a suicide attack in Kabul, while another soldier was killed after an Afghan soldier opened fire on military trainers at a base in Farah province.
In the reported first insider attack since Oct. 26, two Coalition troops were killed by two men in Afghan military uniforms, and several civilians were injured by crossfire.
ISAF confirmed that at least seven of the 88 prisoners at Bagram that the Afghan government plans on releasing were involved in attacks that killed Coalition forces.
An Afghan National Army soldier opened fire on Lithuanian soldiers in an armored vehicle at an ANA control post, less than two months after security responsibility for the district was turned over to the ANA.
Two Afghan soldiers were captured after opening fire on Spanish troops with the Provincial Reconstruction Team; one Spanish soldier was wounded in the attack.
The Taliban facilitator was responsible for an attack in August that killed a US soldier and wounded three others.
In the past month, ISAF has killed or captured four members of the Taliban network that plans and executes the green-on-blue attacks.
A combined force detained a wanted Taliban fugitive who had shot and killed two British ISAF members on May 13. He was attempting to joint the Afghan National Army when he was arrested.
“Infiltrating mujahideen and the respectful soldiers in the enemy ranks” have stepped up attacks on ISAF personnel, the Taliban claimed.
As green-on-blue attacks spike, US and Afghan military officials have taken increasingly strong measures to combat attacks on their forces by Taliban infiltrators and disgruntled Afghan troops. In 2012, green-on-blue attacks accounted for 15% of ISAF deaths.
Afghan security personnel have killed 20 ISAF soldiers this year.