Tag Archives: Malaysia


Security increased at Christian churches as Allah row divides Malaysia


Malaysian police arrested three Thai men along the border in Kelantan state suspected of being connected with the Moro insurgency in southern Thailand. The men were found with chemical fertilizers and home-made bombs that were made in Malaysia.


Police detained three suspected members of Jemaah Islamiyah in southern Johor last week. The men are believed to have met Mas Selamat bin Kastari, the leader of the Singapore cell of Jemaah Islamiyah. Kastari escaped from prison in Singapore in January 2006.


Authorities denied earlier reports that Jemaah Islamiyah bombing mastermind Dulmatin is sheltering on an island off Sabah in East Malaysia. Dulmatin was believed to have slipped the military cordon in Mindanao. Sabah state officials, however, say he is either in the Philippines or on Indonesia’s Sulawesi island.


Malaysia: Islam™s war on sin dims bright lights in a nation torn between cultures


Malaysian minister placates US couple harassed by Islamic officials


Malaysia’s secular status quo threatened by Muslim groups