Monthly Archives: February 2010


The Spanish government will capitulate to the demands of Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and pay the $5 million ransom for the release of three Spanish aid workers that are held by the terrorist organization. Unnamed sources said AQIM will be paid through a Touareg chief acting as mediator. The Spanish aid workers were […]


As Marja assault progresses, coalition considers challenges in rebuilding area


Shabaab retook the southern town of Dobley from Hizbul Islam without a fight. A government official defected and joined Hizbul Islam. President Ahmed called for Islamist fighters to enter peace talks with the government.


The US killed an al Qaeda military commander in the Feb. 17 airstrike in North Waziristan. The Pakistani Air Force killed 30 Taliban fighters in South Waziristan. The Taliban killed a police chief during suicide attacks in Mansehra. Police detained a suicide bomber in Lahore.

The Taliban

The US wants Mullah Baradar to be transferred to Afghanistan; Pakistan said it would not turn him over to the US. South Korean police arrested a Pakistani man who claimed to be a member of the Taliban in Daegu. The Pakistani man used fake passports to enter Korea 17 times.


The Sunni National Dialogue Front will boycott the election. Iranian forces crossed the border in northern Diyala. Iraq security forces detained an al Qaeda cell leader responsible for planning female suicide bombings. Also arrested were three IED cell members in Mosul and three terrorists involved in a suicide attack in Ramadi.


Iran’s police chief said the BBC and Voice of America are arms of the CIA and MI-6. French Prime Minister Fillon said the world would needs to “look into new measures” if Iran does not come clean on its nuclear program. Munich Re AG and Allianz SE suspended business with Iran.


The Taliban killed six civilians in IED attacks in Helmand and Kandahar. Two Taliban fighters were killed in a premature detonation in Herat. Afghan and Coalition forces killed and captured a Taliban commander and an undisclosed number of fighters in Helmand and Kandahar. Police killed a Taliban fighter in Kunduz and detained another in Kandahar.

The Netherlands

The government collapsed over a dispute whether to extend the mission in Afghanistan. The Labor party, which is in the ruling coalition government, has rejected a plan by the Christian Democratic Alliance party to keep a small force in Uruzgan province. The Netherlands has more than 1,600 in country and they are set to be […]


Algerian security forces have killed three Islamist fighters and arrested three others in separate operations in northern Algeria. Two Islamists were killed and one was arrested when security forces ambushed them in the Azeffoun district, Tizi Ouzou province. Another Islamist was killed and two more were arrested in sweeps by security forces in Dellys, Boumerdes […]


Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar: Are other Taliban leaders hiding in Karachi?