Another ‘foreign fighter’ cell targeted in Afghan north

ISAF continues to go after the ‘foreign fighter’ cells in Afghanistan. The latest strike targeted “a former Taliban commander who is currently a senior foreign fighter and weapons facilitator” in Kunduz province in the Afghan north. Of course, the commander has links back into Pakistan. From the ISAF press release:

An Afghan and coalition security force killed six insurgents and detained several more suspected insurgents in Kunduz province Monday while in pursuit of a former Taliban commander who is currently a senior foreign fighter and weapons facilitator.

The commander coordinates logistical support and operations with the leadership of Pakistan’s foreign fighter cell and was formerly in charge of the Taliban in Gor Tappa region, before stepping into an advisory role.

Late last week, ISAF killed Abu Baqir, who was described as “a dual-hatted Taliban sub-commander and al Qaeda group leader,” in the district of Alibad, also in Kunduz.

So much for the idea that “al Qaeda guys” aren’t operating in Afghanistan, or if they are, that no more than 50 to 100 are there. Al Qaeda’s network in Afghanistan is extensive.

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.

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  • Mr T says:

    The dual hatted double headed snake.

  • T Ruth says:

    Bill, the LWJ comments policy:
    “Please refer to current and former elected officials and public leaders respectfully.”
    Well, this is kinda difficult to do here in the case of the 72-yr-old chief of the great CIA, who only recently lost a whole team his people, including some ‘kids’ in the frontlines, just at the bitter end of this last year.
    I have nothing against age, but there is a time and place for everything, including the Governorship of the Monterrey Bay Aquarium.
    Btw, what about that Jordanian doctor-suicide-killer?
    Was he AQ or Taliban? Afghan Taliban or Pak Taliban? Dual-hatted, triple-hatted? Any more offers? Of course we know Panetta believed him to be one of his! And had even briefed the Pres about this important mtg and on how close he was to finding the Z-man and so on!! One thing is clear: reality is not Panetta’s strong suite.
    Is that respectful enough?


Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
