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Foreign Minister Mouallem told the UN that Syrian "terrorists" are being supplied with chemical weapons, and claimed there are no moderate militants in Syria, where jihadists from 83 countries are allegedly fighting. He likened the terrorism suffered by Syria to the 9/11 attacks. Syria said it would not sit at peace talks with the Syrian National Coalition. The Al Nusrah Front and rebels took over a checkpoint in Deraa. An Al Nusrah suicide car bomber detonated at a checkpoint in Reef Dimashq. Kurdish YPG forces in Raqqah clashed with Al Nusrah, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, and rebel forces. A rebel factory in Aleppo used for making for rockets and shells exploded. ISIL clashed with regime forces in al-Dweiraniya and with YPG forces in Jandeiris and Sirwa in Aleppo.