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Foreign Minister Mouallem said the regime would fully cooperate with Russia's proposal that Syria surrender its chemical weapons, declare its chemical arsenal, stop producing the weapons, and sign conventions against them. A spokesman for the rebels' Supreme Military Council said the US has begun supplying lethal as well as nonlethal aid to the rebels; he urged support for a US-led military strike and said rebel military leaders are coordinating with countries that might participate in such a strike. Russia called for the West to stop making military threats so that Syria can surrender its chemical weapons. A senior Free Syrian Army commander called the Russian proposal a "dirty deal." Al Qaeda-linked forces fought alongside rebels in Homs province, Hama province, Hasakah province, and Deraa province. Sharia council fighters in Deir Azzour province refrained from confronting Al Nusrah and ISIL about the transport of oil pipelines to Aleppo. Al Nusrah released a video on Sept. 7 showing suicide attacks in Homs and asked for fighters and money.