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February 17, 2005

The Future of Easongate and a New Beginning

While the Staff of Easongate would have preferred the release of the tape to fully air all concerns, we believe Eason Jordan's resignation is an admission of guilt and he has been properly disciplined by stepping down from his responsibilities at CNN. We will continue to follow various stories directly related to Easongate, however the pursuit of the tape will occur elsewhere.

The issue of the tape remains a serious impediment to getting to the bottom of this story. Eason Jordan's resignation did not clear up the serious allegations of United States military personnel intentionally targeting journalists. The media has expressed no interest whatsoever to discover the contents of the tape, and this is both curious and disturbing. Instead of addressing the serious charges made against our troops at Davos and the reaction of those in attendance, and the wider implications of these statements, the media has focused their ire and attention on bloggers who worked hard to break this story and gain traction in the mainstream media.

The tape will answer all outstanding questions. As the media will not fulfill their responsibilities to follow this story to its conclusion, several members of the Easongate.com Staff have organized a new blog called War, Truth and Videotape. This blog is devoted to the release of the videotape in order to obtain the truth of exactly what was said and done at Davos. We will investigate this issue further, search for other attendees of the forum, keep the public apprised of the situation and provide analysis and opinion. War, Truth and Videotape will have tools available for the public to express their displeasure with the current situation, including a petition, and forms to mail your Congressional Representatives, and the sponsors of CNN and the World Economic Forum. These tools are still in development so please be patient and keep checking back with us.

Please join us in this fight for the truth about what occurred at Davos at War, Truth and Videotape.

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