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February 6, 2005

Field-Expedient Transcript: Hugh Hewitt on the Chris Matthews Show today

Today, Hugh Hewitt was on The Chris Matthews Show. Chris asked his panelists to tell him something he didn't know. Here's what Hugh said:

CM: Hugh?

HH: Senior CNN News Executive Eason Jordan at Davos last week accused the American military of targeting journalists and killing 12 of them, repeating the same assertion that he had made earlier in Portugal a month -- that American military had tortured journalists. This has become a huge story on the internet and the new media, it broke through in The Washington Times on Friday, it will break in the major media over the weekend --

CM: He blames US officials for trying to kill Americans?

HH: American military targeted 12 journalists and killed them. Big story next week.

CM: I think you've beaten the band, Hugh.

Here's the Inside Politics piece in The Washington Times that Hugh referenced.

UPDATE [5:43p] WorldNetDaily also carried an op-ed piece about this event.

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