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Farah Feeding Center


[click on photo for larger image]

Via the DoD:

An Afghan mother and child watch as US troops meet with the director of a nutritional center within the Farah Feeding Center in Farah City, Afghanistan, July 13, 2013. The troops are assigned to Provincial Reconstruction Team Farah, 2nd Battalion, 12th Field Artillery Security Force. US Navy photo by Lieutenant Chad A. Dulac.

READER COMMENTS: "Farah Feeding Center"

Posted by Michael Green at July 21, 2013 5:09 AM ET:

What is the point of this photo? The muslim woman does not look very happy. In fact she looks angry and with the American soldier and the American flag on his uniform, this does no good for our Forces. I have way to many friends that have fought, bled and been seriously wounded in this backward Islamist terrorist state. BRING our Forces home, especially being that the so called CIC, won't let them properly fight the Jihadists.

Posted by Moose at July 21, 2013 10:47 PM ET:

The lost world of Alexander. That's a beautiful picture Bill, thank you.